Church Basketball and Stolen BeliefsMy youngest son (Calvin; 6) had his first basketball game of the season yesterday. He made his first shot attempt and was so excited about…Jan 16, 2024Jan 16, 2024
I used to watch Fear Factor up until the point its participants would start to do things like drink…I can honestly say, though, that I never anticipated the guy who presided over such a dumb thing becoming a national harbinger for dialogic…Feb 3, 20221Feb 3, 20221
Helped a friend move an old upright piano out of a weary little church building tonight.So I asked the guy who let us in how long the church had been defunct, and started opening every book and hymnal I could find. I read a…May 13, 2021May 13, 2021
Vocabulary lessons: how I was taught to talk about church and school.The price of college is rising eight times faster than wages. The average cost of college has increased 3,000 percent over the past fifty…Apr 21, 2020Apr 21, 2020
My wife locked herself inside of the bathroom after her first positive pregnancy test.“Are you sitting down?”Feb 27, 2020Feb 27, 2020
The Wounded and Dead“The Germans, they would do whatever they could to kill you. They rigged dead bodies, even — booby trapped them. For the ones of us who…Feb 24, 2020Feb 24, 2020
To The Only Valentine I’ve Ever HadThe first night I met my wife I got into a fistfight she didn’t watch. I met her at a basketball game. She was 14 years old; I was 15…Feb 14, 2020Feb 14, 2020
My dad drove a beatdown old Chevy station wagon with wood-peeled side panels and red interior…She wouldn’t let her sportscar go, so he bought a shitty station wagon, a family car — the thing which held the wife and child he probably…Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
The Involuntary Affect of the People who Voluntarily Love You.My grandfather is 95 years old and has a failing heart. Every time I see him — almost every Sunday morning — he reminds me.Feb 3, 2020Feb 3, 2020
Read This if You’re Thinking about Going into Business for YourselfMy old man once told me there was no honest substitute for experience. He also told me a lot of other stuff that wasn’t true. Small stuff…Jan 22, 2020Jan 22, 2020